Hamstring Tear

Hamstring tears are a common injury in sports that require running, jumping, and sudden stops. The hamstring is a group of muscles that run along the back of the thigh, connecting the hip and knee joints. When these muscles are stretched beyond their capacity, they can tear, causing pain and limited mobility.

What is a Hamstring Tear?

A hamstring tear is a partial or complete rupture of one or more of the three hamstring muscles. These tears can range from minor strains to complete muscle ruptures. They are most commonly caused by sudden movements, such as sprinting or jumping, but can also result from overuse or lack of stretching and commonly from acceleration and deceleration when running.

Common Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptoms of a hamstring tear include sudden pain in the back of the thigh, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking or bending the leg. Depending on the severity of the tear, there may also be a popping or snapping sensation when the injury occurs.

How Can it be Treated?

Treatment for a hamstring tear depends on the severity of the injury. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) therapy is often recommended for minor strains but we have moved to PEACE and LOVE protocol for improved results, along with physiotherapy, graded exercise and manual therapy along with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Physiotherapy is beneficial to help restore strength and flexibility to the injured muscle
For more severe tears, surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged muscle. Rehabilitation following surgery typically includes physiotherapy to help strengthen the muscle and improve flexibility.

Prevention is also key in avoiding hamstring tears. Proper warm-up, activation and strength training before an athletic event or exercise program can help prevent injury, as can maintaining overall physical fitness and strength.


Hamstring tears can be a painful and debilitating injury, but with proper treatment and prevention, they can be managed effectively.

Rest, physiotherapy, and surgery (in severe cases) are all viable treatment options, and staying physically fit and flexible can help reduce the risk of injury. As always, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized treatment recommendations.

If you need help please book an appointment with our team today by clicking the button below –

Scientific References

Recent scientific literature on hamstring tears includes a study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences in 2020, which found that eccentric exercises can be an effective treatment for hamstring strains.

Another study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine in 2019 found that a combination of strength and flexibility exercises can help reduce the risk of hamstring injuries in soccer players.
