Leki’s Health Journey Vlog – Episode 6

Jan 24, 2019 | Leki's Health Vlog, Written by Leki | 0 comments

Leki’s Health Journey Vlog – Episode 6

Hello all.

Catch up on what I wrote about last time – HERE.

I want to reaffirm my goal which is to live until I’m 150.

A big part of achieving this goal is thinking about my 3 Pillars – Food/Water, Air/Exercise and Physio/Clinical.

The discipline of eating well and preparing our meals makes it easier for me to sustain my healthy choices.

Having a morning routine allows me to track my journey without relying on my memories but rather my handwritten journals.

Today I’d like to share an update on my Air/Exercise component.

I’ve been using gymnastics rings which has helped by grip, forearm and upper strength a lot!

Apart from that I’m starting to get very lean.

I’ve been tracking my blood and my readings are quite good.

My average glucose reading over the last 30 days has been 85mg/dL or 4.7mmol/L which is in the normal range.

My average ketone reading over the last 30 days has been 0.5mmol/L. I’d like to operate at 0.5-0.7mmol/L as I practice cyclic ketosis.

In terms of my athletic ability I’m slowly working towards my goal of holding a handstand with great form for 30 seconds.

I reckon I’m 9-12 months away from building up that strength!

I hope it helps you on own your path.


– Leki
