Our Partnerships

Sep 24, 2018 | Written by Leki | 0 comments

Our Partnerships

Today I’d like to shine the light on the partnerships ProPhysio+ have formed over the last 3 years.

A partnership is important because both groups share a common goal and can work together to further their individual goals.

Our longest partnership has been with the team at Forsyth Park Medical Centre.

They are a full service medical centre with doctors, consulting rooms for specialists and maternity health, nurses, pathology, dental, Allied Health and pharmacy.

The beauty of having a physio practice within a medical centre is that you’re able to facilitate same day appointments with a doctor to help with ‘on the spot’ medication prescriptions and referrals for scans/specialists if needed. We have a great relationship with the whole team here at Forsyth Park Medical Centre!

Jofre Fitness are a family run business helping people with their well being goals.

You may recognise brothers Antonio and Daniel who were apart of 2015 season of the popular TV series the Biggest Loser. Daniel actually won the series!

They are applying the lessons they learnt as part of the Biggest Loser and are running their 6th season of Jofre Fitness 10-Week Transformations!

We are helping their members by keeping them healthy! ProPhysio+ is assisting members with any injuries they sustain or advice they need to help them along.

Check out Jofre Fitness and catch their next event – HERE.

Iron Armour Academy are a not-for-profit organisation assisting young people in the ‘game of life’. This includes on-field assistance such as sports development and off-field assistance such as mentoring programs.

We are assisting their initiative with athletic screening programs, education nights and simple health promotion among their athletes, families and friends.

They have numerous events throughout the year so be sure to check out what’s coming down the line – HERE.

Thank you to all past, current and future partners.

ProPhysio+ will continue to serve our community to the best standard and try to ‘Keep Healthy Simple’.

Have a great day,

– Leki
